Cara Mengembalikan Channel Youtube yang di Suspend
Nah disini aku akan mencoba memberikan solusi agar channel sobat dapat dikembalikan lagi, yang kemungkinan insyallah work namun aku tak jamin, mungkin juga tergantung pada channel youtube kita sekiranya konten ori bukan reupload kemungkinan besar akan di terima kembali pengajuan bandingnya sekiranya konten reupload iya cuma google yang tau, namun berusahalah sebelum mencobanya.
Berikut Cara Jitu Mengajukan Banding Channel Youtube yang di Suspend 100% Work :
- Dikala sobat berkeinginan ajukan banding channel youtube usahakan menjalankan banding 24 jam sebelum mendapatkan pemberitahuan tersuspendnya channel youtube sobat yang dikirm ke email.
- Kunjungi link url dibawah ini untuk mengisi formulir pengajuan banding, isi data dengan lengkap sesuai akun youtube.
- Untuk memasukan penjelasan descripsi pengajuan yotube ini juga penting, nah disini aku berikan contoh kata pengajuan banding youtube. (mengapa gunakan bhs. Biar cepet diterima) mungkin seandainya gunakan bhs. Indo juga gpp. Silakan copy kata dibawah ini.
- Terakhir kalau sudah semuanya klik Kirim dan silakan sobat tunggu ada email masuk 1-2 hari dan semoga hasilnya sukses diterima kembali channel youtubenya.
* Masukan nama lengkap sobat
* Alamat email sobat yang channel youtubenya kena Suspend
* Alamat Email yang digunakan untuk menghubungi Sobat
* Url atau link Channel Youtube yang di suspend
* Masukan Descripsi atau penjelasan anda tentang akun atau channel yang mau di banding
Hello Youtube,
My YouTube channel (sebutkan nama channel YouTube kamu) Has recently been suspend " due to multiple or severe violations of youtube's policy against Spam, gaming, misleading content, or other of service violations"
I believe i have bot violated these policies. i've never used spamor tgas in my descriptions, irrelevant tags or titles. or any other methods in attempt to cheat the system, mislead or offend my viewers.
I believe the flagging of my videos was not legatimate, it was most likely meant to cause problems for me and my channel. i work hard to produce content daily and love what i do, just as i care about my audience.
I'd like to ask you to review again my videos once more and resistate my channel if the flags against theme appear to be galse.
Please give me a second chance AnD I promise yout that you will not get any tiny problem or spam with my channel. Thanks And I will wait for Your Reply Email with a happy news.
Best Regards,
(Nama Channel Kamu)
My YouTube channel (sebutkan nama channel YouTube kamu) Has recently been suspend " due to multiple or severe violations of youtube's policy against Spam, gaming, misleading content, or other of service violations"
I believe i have bot violated these policies. i've never used spamor tgas in my descriptions, irrelevant tags or titles. or any other methods in attempt to cheat the system, mislead or offend my viewers.
I believe the flagging of my videos was not legatimate, it was most likely meant to cause problems for me and my channel. i work hard to produce content daily and love what i do, just as i care about my audience.
I'd like to ask you to review again my videos once more and resistate my channel if the flags against theme appear to be galse.
Please give me a second chance AnD I promise yout that you will not get any tiny problem or spam with my channel. Thanks And I will wait for Your Reply Email with a happy news.
Best Regards,
(Nama Channel Kamu)
Sekian artikel kali ini tentang Mengajukan Banding Channel Youtube yang di Suspend, semoga bisa bermanfaat untuk sobat semua.
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